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Workplace and Pay Equity

We believe that every person should be treated equitably, and we want to ensure we are not perpetuating disparities.

Pay Equity

We seek to pay our employees fairly for their work. We regularly monitor our performance, addressing pay-equity discrepancies or issues as appropriate. We benchmark roles and compensation data to help ensure internal pay equity. As we approach our North Star Goal for representation at management levels, median pay for women and POC will rise as well.

Discover partners with an independent, third-party consultant to conduct a company-wide pay equity analysis that considers race, ethnicity, and gender.

After accounting for factors such as role, tenure, and geography we’ve determined that:

Since 2018, women and minorities at Discover earn, on average, between $0.99-$1.03 for every $1.00 earned by men and non-minorities

Equity in Our Talent Processes

We are pursuing a company-wide, data-driven approach to identify and address potential biases within our talent processes—like hiring, promotions, performance reviews, attrition, and corrective actions. This approach includes a deeper analysis of our systems and how they work together to ensure fairness.

More Work Ahead of Us

A company-wide training called Deliberate Advocacy helps employees to not only address their individual biases, but actively become anti-bias advocates. More than 16,000 employees (97% of our workforce) have completed the training.

16,000+ employees have completed the anti-bias training. That’s 97% of the workforce (from the CEO to front line)