Why MassMutual®
Policyowners & Retirement Plans
Policyowners pay insurance premiums that MassMutual uses to:
Cover the cost of providing protection.
Meet current benefit obligations.
Invest to pay future benefits and generate future value.
Retirement plan contributions are invested to help secure future retirements.
Diversified Investment Strategy
Through a disciplined investment process that supports long-term investment performance and prudent risk diversification, MassMutual invests in:
A variety of asset classes to help meet policyowner commitments.
Strategic operating businesses that capitalize on core capabilities while generating complementary returns.
Financial Strength & Dividends
Our earnings help:
Pay dividends to eligible participating policyowners.
Contribute to capital and surplus.
Support business reinvestment.
(Dividends are not guaranteed.)
The Result
A framework focused on delivering:
Competitive risk-adjusted returns.
Diversified product offerings.
Industry leadership in financial strength.
Quality service.